Panelists are:
Lisa Gordon, Program Manager, MicroStrategy
Philip Barker, VP of Information Managemnt, FHA
Colleen Hart, Project Director, myHEALTHPlan
Dan Gonos, Chief Technologist, HP Enterprise Services
Lisa was representing MicroStrategy and their Business Intelligence perspective on healthcare transformation. The point made that we have a lot of data in disparate places, and without consolidating and comprehending it, we don't know,what information we might be missing when it comes to measuring patient outcomes and healthcare optimizations.
Other industries are ahead of healthcare when it comes to BI, and we can leverage it better. A case in point is CIHI, where Lisa worked until recently coming to work for MicroStrategy. Lisa shared with us the 5 styles of BI, which matures to a utopia of ad-hoc self-service information delivery via dashboards that are tailored to the needs of the customer. CIHI has achieved this goal, but skipped a number of steps to get there so it is still evolutionary. Cancer Care Ontario is cited as another case study who did follow the maturity process for BI. Monitoring and wait times and improving access to care is provided with iPort and iPort Access tools made publicly available. this has been expanded across other Provincial health bodies to provide all wait times including Emergency.
Mobile devices and BI availability is creating the consumerization of health care in Canada. Individual delivery of key outcomes for health care are available to mobile devices and web portals. This is maturing rapidly in the US, and starting to see adoption in Canada as cited in the above examples.
Lisa proposed the concept of leveraging cloud computing options for healthcare BI. The standard arguments around elasticity and cost reductions are leveraged. She raised the point of security, but it wasn't addressed much further than it normally is in that, it's important.
MyHEALTHPlan Pilot Project at FHA
Colleen and Philip discussed the shareable care plan initiative that FHA is initiating, called MyHEALTHPlan.
It is a demonstration project aimed at improving patient access to quality care for those living with chronic illness. A key point was the involvement of GPs and improving access to resource libraries and active care plans between GPs and patients.
The pilot area was White Rock South Surrey to keep a manageable but realistic scope. 675 individual care plans were created, 550 patients registered online, which exceeded the project goal of 100.
The purpose is to leverage and enhance the chronic care provided at GPs offices, and ensure that the information that is relevant to the patients is accessible easily to the patients.
The results showed increased involvement of the care providers, and increased personal responsibility of patients. Provider capacity was also improved by leveraging efficiencies of self service and remote health. Integrations into the EMR provide wholistic, timely, and thorough information to the patient and medical practitioners anywhere the patient goes within the FHA. The patient is provided with one complete care plan to enable better self care.
Physicians are provided with evidenced based care tools and plans. Philip shared some patient and physician testimonials attributing the success to the shared engagement between the patients and their family physicians as a model that is based on an existing foundation of trust. Having the physicians enroll the patients in the program adds the personal touch that enables success by helping patients feel empowered. The reality that 500 65+ year old patients are actively accessing data from their EMR and contributing to their own health care online is astounding to me personally. While the system today in pilot is developed around chronic illness, I would be happy to leverage this for my own non-chronic health care management.
I see a strong alignment between this initiative and the St. Joseph model discussed earlier today.
An annonimized data repository to determine analytics of patient outcomes and other data for governance decisions is invaluable, and an intelligent use of the data collected. Making this data available to researchers would be a valuable extension in research on chronic care in my eyes. Hopefully this is being considered.
Next steps are introduction into ambulatory care, integrating home health case managers, and working with family practice to increase their involvement.
The project is currently on the cusp of being moved from project to sustainment (operations), confirming the hosting arrangement, and expansion.
Dan Gonos and HPs Vision of Healthcare Futures
Dan gave us a story about poor patient care based on a lack of connected and shared information between various aspects of health services, that don't show a continuum of health care to the patient.
Key take aways were based on ease of data entry for practitioners, bridging the information gap between primary and acute care, and establishing continuity of access to EMRs between all your health services areas.
Health consumers, or patients, want to drive the progress to better information more accessible to themselves and their health care providers which should result in better quality health care.
Change in health care is being driven by evolving business models, a changing workforce, and technology advancements. Intimacy with the customer is being created through rewards plans in the business sectors outside of health. Remote medicine advances enable contiguous and equal health care access regardless of geography.
We are encouraged to find and read his white paper on Enterprise 3.0 and how that is the highest elevation of cloud computing.
Dan suggests the next trends in healthcare convergence is facilities, medical, and communications convergence ensuring that patient care is optimized as the health journey moves throughout various locations and practitioners. This is the same message I received in Vegas a couple of weeks ago. Dan claims that a coordinated care mode of patient care can save $10k per patient per annum. The motto is pitched as the right care at the right place at the right time and the right cost.

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Location:Kelowna, BC
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